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Corel WordPerfect Lightning

Corel WordPerfect Lightning WordPerfect word processor and a new 6.


"Corel WordPerfect Lightning WordPerfect word processor and a new 6."
Corel WordPerfect Lightning word processor and note is a new type of software. How people present their ideas, information and photographs to include work extends the office suite.
This powerful word processing tool, such as imaging and document printing, personal and professional projects, the task of organizing a large, web pages and documents will help to achieve, and re content. You all with this short guide
information is necessary to start WordPerfect 6.
WordPerfect Lightning, three simple tools and a variety of content to create
- Let's look at the Navigator: This folder-based application works like a notebook, you leave
to store and organize ideas and documents for a place.corell
- Viewer: Viewer to view and WordPerfect, Microsoft Word, provides printing
and PDF documents.
- Notes window: This easy-to-use editing tool available light paste
allows you to write your own content, or content. Notes window also includes some text formatting features. You can create numbered and bulleted lists, and text color, change fonts, and tables, hyperlinks, add images and notes.
WordPerfect Lightning started with some simple tasks for you to try. Corel WordPerfect Lightning 1.0 can now download free.

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